Protocol Reel

The Protocol reels are designed to combine with the Protocol rod series, suitable for feeder and match fishing. Within the range are four sizes, including two smaller models. The tuned retrieval speed makes these reels very powerful when fighting strong fish. The compact aluminium/graphite reel body features a screw-in-handle mechanism reducing the overall transport size. The aluminium spools line clip provides optimum line capacity and offers improved casting accuracy.

Line Clip

Each Cresta Protocol reel features a shield-shaped line clip, suitable for both nylon and braided lines.

Front Drag & Anti-reverse

The smooth front drag and anti-reverse provide optimum control when fighting a strong fish.

Model2500 S3000 S4000 S5000 S
Gear Ratio5.2:15.2:15.2:15.2:1
Gear SystemS-CurveS-CurveS-CurveS-Curve
Ball Bearings5+15+15+15+1
Line Capacity (m/mm)150m / 0.23mm150m / 0.23mm150m / 0.25mm150m / 0.25mm
Line Retrieve (cm)65cm72cm78cm83cm